WALESCH Electronic GmbH
Gestenrietstrasse 2
CH-8307 Effretikon, Switzerland
Phone +41 52 343 80 80
Mail: rmul A und T dzovhxs+PUNKT+xs
Walesch Electronic GmbH - VibChart
PC Based Visualisation/Analysis Software
Main Features:
- Direct readout of the PBF files
- Automatic printout of the measuring data
- The graphics are as a bitmap or as high-resolution metafiles for your documents available
- Your company logo is printed as page titles
- Calculation of the sliding RMS and the Leq value's of a vibration curve
- Calculation of the acceleration and the movement from the vibration curve
- Graphics tools for zoom and peak value search within the envelope curve and the vibration curve
- Peak value display in the graphics for zooming field
- Conversion for other physical dimensions
- Combine multiple PBF files into one long term diagramm (LongChart)
- Fourier Transformation for Frequency Spectrum and Octave Plot